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    Abstract In recent years, the availability and usage of medical and drug-related mobile applications (apps) have rapidly increased, promising to revolutionize patient healthcare management. This research paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of medical/drug-related apps in enhancing patient outcomes and healthcare management. The study will employ a mixed-methods approach, starting with a comprehensive review of existing literature on medical/drug-related apps, their functionalities, and their impact on patient care. A systematic analysis of various app categories, including medication management, symptom trackers, appointment reminders, and health education, will be conducted. Quantitative data will be collected through surveys and usage analytics to assess the adoption rates, user satisfaction, and perceived effectiveness of medical/drug-related apps among patients. Additionally, qualitative data will be gathered through interviews or focus groups to explore users' experiences, challenges, and perceptions related to these apps. Key performance indicators such as medication adherence, self-care behaviors, patient empowerment, and health outcomes will be assessed to determine the impact of medical/drug-related apps on patient healthcare management. Statistical analysis and thematic coding techniques will be applied to analyze the data and identify patterns and themes. The research will also investigate the factors influencing app adoption and the barriers or challenges faced by patients in utilizing these apps effectively. Privacy and security concerns, user interface design, and healthcare professional recommendations will be considered in the evaluation process